PTC Air Heaters – TH Type

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Product Description

This newly designed TH type PTC air heater comes with two tube pitches. The standard pitch is 31mm, for special designs we can also make PTC air heater with tube pitch of 25mm.

The PTC heat output can be regulated by the airflow applied in typical applications of heat generation. The higher the airflow, the higher the heat output and power(wattage).

Dimensions of KLC PTC air heater TH type

Part Numbering

Notes on Part Numbering


  • The Power(W) in the Specifications table is based on PTC air heaters with fin pitch 2.0mm(N).


  • The Power(W) in the Specifications tables are based on PTC air heaters with Single Insulation(S).
  • The price of PTC air heaters with double insulation(D) is 20~30% more than single insulation(S) PTC air heaters.
  • The power(W) of PTC air heater with double insulation(D) is approximately 10% less than PTC air heater with single insulation(S).
  • The PTC air heater with Double Insulation(D) does not have electrode potential on the fins. It is suitable for use where the device may be in contact with other conductive materials (eg. metal); expose to high humidity; with shock resistance requirement; or in products that require superior stability and quality (eg. automobiles).

Specifications (200V~240V)

Specifications (200V~240V) of PTC Air Heaters - TH Type 

  • Items that are highlighted in the table are standard models. The delivery time for these models are shorter and more economical.
  • Customized wattage, length and specifications can also be designed for large quantity.
  • The Power(W) specified in the table above is based on PTC heaters with fin pitch 2.0mm(N) and single insulation(S). Double insulated(D) PTC heaters will have 10% less power than specified in the table above (as power in table is based on single insulation).
    (Model: TH-2XXXN-XXXS)

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Specifications (100V~120V)

Specifications (100V~120V) of PTC Air Heaters - TH Type 

  • Items that are highlighted in the table are standard models. The delivery time for these models are shorter and more economical.
  • Customized wattage, length and specifications can also be designed for large quantity.
  • The Power(W) specified in the table above is based on PTC heaters with fin pitch 2.0mm(N) and single insulation(S). Double insulated(D) PTC heaters will have 10% less power than specified in the table above (as power in table is based on single insulation).
    (Model: TH-1XXXN-XXXS)


ACCESSORY : PTC + Mounting Frame

Temperature-resistant plastic frame that safely holds the PTC heating element.

Model : MHF-90 (for All Lengths and Models)
Part Number: TH-XXXN-XXX2

Part Number:
TH-XXXN-70X2(all accessories separate)
TH-XXXN-70X2a(all accessories assembled)

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